Selasa, 16 April 2013

God's sovereignty

It’s been a long time since my last blog. Maybe I was in comfort zone for too long. Sometimes I forget where I should be, where did I come from… until now, I’m going through some problem, then… I remember that I should back to the creator. Start from the beginning again, pray more often, read the Bible, doing some Bible exposition myself, join the ministry program more often.

Well… Oh how dare you…. (its referring to myself actually), looking for God when trouble comes, in hard times… why not look for God everytime…? In good times and bad times. But we tend to forget Him in good times, and remember Him in hard times. Why oh why oh human nature…. So depravated…

Sometimes, in such a very bad times, we always feel like God isn’t with us and leaving us. We fear a lot and rely on ourself. But the Bible tells in Romans 8;28 ; We are assured and know that all things work together and are for good to and for those who love God and are called according to design and purpose. It tells us that God never leave us, and bad times is some part of His purpose through us, we just need to believe that His purpose must be good, and all things work together for good. I was so struck, again… that God always good. No matter what happened in our life, it occurred within God’s consent, in His sovereignty. Although we may not know what is His goodness in us that He want in our life.

 Romans 12:2 also tells us “Don’t be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, so that you may prove what is the good and acceptable and perfect will of God, even the thing which is good and acceptable and perfect. After I read this, I realize that I really need to be renew my self, my thoughts, my heart, to be like Christ. This bad situation maybe is the only way to make me come back to Him again, after so many times we are so selfish and leave Him for nothing. After renew ourself like Him, then we know what He wants. After all, we may know what He wants through us this time…

 Let us be aware of ourself. Be aware of our thoughts and attitude in addressing every incident in our life. Let us always remember our God, He always within us as long as we sensitive to Him. Remember that everything work for His goodness, even the worst time of our life, still… be thankful to Him for He is good.

Praise The Lord!

3 komentar:

  1. so we must always diciplined our self to read our bible n pray, to keep our relationship with Him stable

  2. how about if we always remember to Him, and draw ourselves near to HIM through prayer only, without read the bible? it's not enough though, but can it be referred as "remember" to God? or perhaps read the bible as the tendency without really understand it deeper or do the bible exposition?

  3. Thank you.. This article touched me personally.... I'm pretty sure that everyone who believes in God as a Christian, will find this kind of situation sometimes that deep in their hearts, asking n feel where am I right now, where i belong, etc, then got refresh again to remember Him, whether in a good or bad conditions.. what is God purposes for them.
    And following to know the purposes?of course We have to read n expose the bible. So, It's always connected. :)
